
Test Bank for Macro Social Work Practice Advocacy in Action 1st Edition Tice


Test Bank for Macro Social Work Practice Advocacy in Action, 1st Edition, Carolyn J. Tice, Dennis D. Long, Lisa E. Cox, ISBN: 9781506388410, ISBN: 9781544395449, ISBN: 9781544395401


Test Bank for Macro Social Work Practice Advocacy in Action 1st Edition Tice

Test Bank for Macro Social Work Practice Advocacy in Action, 1st Edition, Carolyn J. Tice, Dennis D. Long, Lisa E. Cox, ISBN: 9781506388410, ISBN: 9781544395449, ISBN: 9781544395401

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1. A Historical Perspective of Macro Practice and Advocacy
CHAPTER 2. Contemporary Macro Practice Perspectives
CHAPTER 3. Engage Diversity and Difference
CHAPTER 4. An Advocacy Model for Dynamic Practice
CHAPTER 5. Understanding and Enriching Organizational Life

CHAPTER 6. Exploring the Concept of Communities and Community Practice
CHAPTER 7. Social Planning
CHAPTER 8. Administration and Leadership: Building on Advocacy and Strengths
CHAPTER 9. Policy Practice, Political Persuasion, and Advocacy
CHAPTER 10. Using Technology in Social Work Practice

CHAPTER 11. Informing Macro Practice With Research
CHAPTER 12. Evaluating Macro Change
CHAPTER 13. Advocacy for Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
CHAPTER 14. Assessing Your Macro Practice Skills